Spanish Mass: A Somos ND celebration launch

Author: NDWorks

September 15 marks the beginning of Hispanic Heritage Month, running through October 15. Somos ND (the Spanish translation of We are ND) is leading the kickoff celebration with a Spanish Mass at 3:30 p.m. Sunday, September 15, at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart. Following Mass, there will be a gathering for participants to celebrate and connect at the Fieldhouse Mall (between Clarke Memorial Fountain and LaFortune Student Center).

Emiliano Aguilar
Emiliano Aguilar

“This kickoff is both an opportunity to acknowledge the national month of commemoration and to celebrate the rich history of Latinos and Hispanics at Notre Dame,” Emiliano Aguilar, assistant professor of history, said. The Mass will begin an academic-year celebration at Notre Dame recognizing a history and legacy that dates back to 1851, when the first recorded students from Latin American countries arrived on campus, according to research conducted by Aguilar. The first student with a Latin American surname enrolled in 1864, and since then, Notre Dame has been enriched with additional firsts and contributions by its Latino and Hispanic community members.

Nydia Morales-Soto
Nydia Morales-Soto

Nydia Morales-Soto, assistant director of research and partnerships in the Eck Institute for Global Health and chair of the Somos ND planning committee, spoke of her personal revelation of not fully grasping the depth of Latino and Hispanic history at Notre Dame. “Notre Dame Latinos and Hispanics—whether students, staff, faculty, or alumni—have played crucial roles in shaping not only our University’s history, but also our local community, and national and international contexts,” Morales-Soto said.

Rev. Joseph V. Corpora, C.S.C.
Rev. Joseph V. Corpora, C.S.C.

All are invited to come out on Sunday for the Spanish Mass, said Rev. Joseph V. Corpora, C.S.C., associate director of the Transformational Leaders Program and priest-in-residence at Dillon Hall. Father Corpora will be the homilist for the Mass. While the homily, songs, and readings will be in Spanish, the Mass is not solely for Latinos and Hispanics or people who are fluent in the Spanish language. “Anyone is welcome,” Father Corpora said. “There’s nowhere we should feel more included than at Mass. Anyone is welcome to be loved by God.”

Throughout the 2024–25 academic year, the Somos ND celebration will encompass a series of activities that promote individual engagement and bring the campus community together. “Somos ND reflects a collective effort at our University to create a more inclusive and supportive environment where the rich history and contributions of Notre Dame Latinos and Hispanics are recognized and valued,” Morales-Soto said.

If you cannot join the Mass in person, you can watch the live stream. To learn more about the SomosND celebration, visit

Originally published by NDWorks at on September 09, 2024.